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Latest Supreme Court 2020 Landmark Judgements | Legal Updates

The Latest Landmark Judgements of Supreme Court 2020

As a law enthusiast, I am always eager to know about the latest landmark judgements of the Supreme Court. Year 2020 particularly eventful, several important decisions major impact legal landscape country. Let`s take a closer look at some of these significant judgements.

Case Studies

Case Name Key Decision
Shayara Bano v. Union India Declared Triple Talaq as unconstitutional
Indian Young Lawyers Association v. The State Kerala Allowed women of all ages to enter Sabarimala temple
Vijay Mallya v. Union India Approved the extradition of Vijay Mallya to India


According to statistics, the Supreme Court delivered a total of 83 judgements in the year 2020. Out of these, 13 judgements were related to civil matters, 23 were criminal cases, and 47 were constitutional law cases.

Notable Judgements

Some of the other notable judgements of the Supreme Court in 2020 include the decriminalization of adultery, the reservation of seats for the economically weaker sections in educational institutions, and the extension of the Right to Information (RTI) Act to all public authorities.

It is truly fascinating to see how the Supreme Court`s judgements have a profound impact on the legal and social fabric of our country. As we move into the new year, it will be interesting to see what landmark judgements the Supreme Court delivers in 2021.

10 Popular Legal Questions About The Latest Landmark Judgements of Supreme Court 2020

Question Answer
1. Can you give a brief overview of the latest landmark judgement of Supreme Court 2020? The latest landmark judgement of Supreme Court 2020 pertains to the issue of…
2. How does the latest judgement impact the legal landscape? The latest judgement has far-reaching implications for…
3. What are the key takeaways from the latest landmark judgement? The key takeaways from the latest landmark judgement include…
4. How does the latest judgement compare to previous rulings? The latest judgement builds upon previous rulings by…
5. What are the potential challenges and opportunities arising from the latest judgement? The latest judgement presents challenges such as… Opportunities…
6. How should legal professionals prepare for implementation of the latest judgement? Legal professionals should prepare by…
7. What are the implications of the latest judgement for specific areas of law? The implications of the latest judgement for specific areas of law, such as… Are…
8. What are the dissenting opinions, if any, in the latest ruling? While the majority opinion in the latest ruling is…, the dissenting opinions are…
9. How have lower courts responded to the latest landmark judgement? The response of lower courts to the latest landmark judgement has been…
10. What are the next steps following the latest landmark judgement? The next steps following the latest landmark judgement include…

Legal Contract The Latest Landmark Judgements of Supreme Court 2020

This contract is entered into on this day of ____________, 2020, by and between ____________ and ____________.

Clause 1 – Definitions

In this contract, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below:

  • Supreme Court: The highest court country with authority issue binding judgments legal matters.
  • Landmark Judgements: Rulings made Supreme Court have significant impact legal precedent interpretation laws.
  • 2020: The calendar year latest landmark judgements Supreme Court considered reference contract.
Clause 2 – Purpose

The purpose of this contract is to provide a comprehensive analysis and understanding of the latest landmark judgements delivered by the Supreme Court in the year 2020.

Clause 3 – Scope

This contract shall cover following aspects:

  • Identification The Latest Landmark Judgements of Supreme Court 2020.
  • Analysis legal principles reasoning behind each judgement.
  • Implications judgements on existing laws legal practices.
  • Comparative study similar judgements other jurisdictions.
Clause 4 – Governing Law

This contract shall governed laws jurisdiction parties located rules principles Supreme Court.

Clause 5 – Dispute Resolution

Any disputes arising out of this contract shall be resolved through arbitration in accordance with the rules of the Supreme Court.

Clause 6 – Termination

This contract shall terminate upon completion analysis understanding The Latest Landmark Judgements of Supreme Court 2020.

Clause 7 – Execution

This contract may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.